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  • 2015  Ph.D., Physical Anthropology, New York University
    • Thesis Title: Ecogeographic influences on trunk modularity in recent humans
    • Thesis Advisor: Susan Antón
  • 2008 M.A., Physical Anthropology, New York University
  • 2005 B.A., Anthropology, Summa Cum Laude, The Ohio State University
  • 2005 B.A., English, Summa Cum Laude, The Ohio State University
  • 2016 American Association of Anatomists Postdoctoral Fellowship ($20,000)
  • 2013 Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant ($15, 215)
  • 2013 Leakey Foundation Research Grant ($8,505)
  • 2013 New York University Global Research Institute Fellowship ($2,800) 
  • 2011 Margaret and Herman Sokol Predissertation Research Award ($4,000) 
  • 2011 William Pollitzer Student Travel Award ($500) 
  • 2010 Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant ($500) 
  • 2009 NYCEP IGERT Summer Research and Travel Grant ($5,000)
Peer-reviewed Publications

  • In press. Ward, C.V., Maddux, S.D., Middleton, E.R. Three-dimensional anatomy of the anthropoid bony pelvis. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
  • 2017. Middleton, E.R., Winkler, Z.J., Hammond, A.S., Plavcan, M.J., Ward, C.V. Determinants of iliac blade orientation in anthropoid primates. Anat. Rec. 300, 810-827.
  • 2016. Antón, S.C., Taboada, H., Middleton, E.R., Rainwater, C.W., Taylor, A.B., Turner, T.R., Turnquist, J.E., Weinstein, K.J., Williams, S.A., Morphological variation in Homo erectus and the origins of developmental plasticity. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B. 371:20150236. 
  • 2016. Williams, S.W., Middleton, E.R., Villamil, C.I, Shattuck, M.R., Vertebral numbers and human evolution. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 159(S61), S19-S36.
  • 2014.  Middleton, E.R., Antón, S.C. Homo erectus. In: Smith, C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, New York, pp. 3456-3461.

  • 2014.  Antón, S.C., Middleton, E.R. Homo ergaster. In: Smith, C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, New York, pp. 3461-3463.

AAPA 2014 Poster presentation
Selected Abstracts and Conference Presentations
  • 2017. Middleton, E.R. The modular nature of the trunk skeleton in anthropoid primates. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 31, 396.2
  • 2017. Middleton, E.R., Ward, C.V. Functional inferences from vertebral morphology and torso shape in anthropoids. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 162 (S64), 287.
  • 2016. Ward, C.V., Middleton, E.R. Determinants of body shape and co-variation among elements of the bony torso in anthropoids (Primates: Anthropoidea). Anat. Rec. 299, 183.
  • 2016. Ward, C.V., Middleton, E.R. Body shape and hominin origins. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 159 (S62), 328–329.
  • 2014. Middleton, E.R. Phenotypic patterns of rib and pelvis covariation in Old vs. New World human populations. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 153 (S58), 185.
  • 2014. Duren, D.L., Nahhas, R.W., Middleton, E.R. Skeletal, cutaneous, and anthropometric measures of childhood changes in knee breadth. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 153 (S58), 111.
  • 2014. Antón, S.C., Middleton, E.R., Madimenos, F.C., Snodgrass, J.J. Integrating datasets in biological anthropology: An introduction to the Bones and Behavior Project. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 153 (S58), 68.
  • 2014. Cepon-Robins, T.J., Antón, S.C., Crowder, C.M., Duren, D.L., Fernandez-Duque, E., Leigh, S.R., Madimenos, F.C., McGraw, W.S., Middleton, E.R., Rainwater, C.W., Schmitt, C.A., Sherwood, R.J., Stinson, S., Stubblefield, P., Turner, T.R., Valeggia, C., Snodgrass, J.J. Next steps and best practices in primatology, human biology, forensic anthropology, and paleoanthropology for the Bones and Behavior Project. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 153 (S58), 92-93.
  • 2013. Middleton, E.R. Trunk modularity in recent human populations: a preliminary look at rib and pelvis covariation. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 150 (S56), 198.
  • 2013. Rainwater, C.W., Middleton, E.R. Introducing new variables into morphometric body mass reconstruction. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 150 (S56), 228-229.
Conference Symposia
  • 2017 Organizer and chair. Linked Modules in Anatomical Inference: New Approaches to Morphological Integration. Invited podium symposium, Experimental Biology annual meeting.
  • 2014 Co-organizer and chair. The Bones and Behavior Project: Fostering Integration across Biological Anthropology. Invited poster symposium, AAPA annual meeting. 
AAPA 2014 Bones and Behavior Project members - Invited Poster Symposium

Teaching Experience
  • 2014 Course director, Human Osteology and Odontology
  • 2012 Course director, Introduction to Human Evolution 
  • 2013, 2012, 2008 Teaching Assistant, Human Origins (Morse Academic Plan) 
  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 Teaching Assistant, Human Osteology and Odontology (graduate) 
  • 2011 Teaching Assistant, Interpreting the Human Skeleton (graduate) 
  • 2009, 2007 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Human Evolution