Postdoctoral Research

I joined Carol Ward's lab at the University of Missouri in June 2015 as a postdoctoral researcher. Given her expertise in hominoid torso morphology, this postdoc represented the best opportunity I could have asked for in terms of expanding my interest in trunk integration from humans and chimpanzees to a broader taxonomic and fossil focus.

In Carol's lab I worked on data acquisition and analyses related to the Torso Morphology and Evolution project (NSF BCS 0716244 to CVW). The primary goals of this project were to characterize the range of variation in modern anthropoid primate torsos, determine how elements of the torso covary in these taxa, and reconstruct fossil torso shape and locomotor behavior. I was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Association of Anatomists to support my contribution to these aims. As part of my work, I also helped mentor several Mizzou undergraduate students who investigated various aspects of torso morphology!

Ward Lab 2015-2016

Follow the link for more information about the Ward Lab: The Ward Lab homepage

2016 Ward Lab undergraduate conference presentations:

  • Alwell, M.T., Middleton, E.R., Ward, C.V. Sternum morphology and locomotor adaptation in anthropoid primates. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 30:1037.6.
  • Bauer, N.M., Middleton, E.R., Ward, C.V. Dental wear, molar shape, and dietary adaptation in early Australopithecus. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 30:779.7.
  • Sarrazin, B.D., Middleton, E.R., Ward, C.V. Thoracic vertebral morphology and locomotor adaptation in anthropoid primates. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 30:1037.5.
  • Wallach, A., Middleton, E.R., Ward, C.V. Rib curvature, thoracic shape, and locomotor adaptation in anthropoid primates. American Association of Physical Anthopology Undergraduate Research Symposium.